How can you tell that Kidshelp is achieving its objectives?
Having dinner with and talking with the former students will answer the question and warm your heart.
Several Kidshelp donors, sponsors, friends, and past volunteers, visited Phnom Penh and arranged to meet around 20 former students in the “Sovanna II” restaurant on 14th January 2024. With the support of Hun Tharith, a teacher at the Khemara Kidshelp School (KKS), currently Director of Student Welfare and future Director at the planned second school, over 60 former students were contacted.
Sabi Schulz, a former volunteer at KKS said “Many were students at the KKS 10 years ago when I completed my volunteering there, seeing how their careers have developed, really impressed me”.
Layheak has already been reported in detail in the interview “How Kidshelp changed her life”, available online at: She now has a role as Assistant Supervisor Learning & Development, for one of the largest Cambodian conglomerates. She is happy to be able to support her family. She has committed this year to doing mentoring of students in our dormitories (where her sister Layheng lives).
Sovann qualified as an architect, he now teaches at the university, and created the original designs for Kidshelp’s second school in Roka Kaong.
Kanha now part owns a hip cafe where guests can play the piano and guitar, lives in a chic suburb of Phnom Penh, is planning a trip to Europe and committed to supporting a scholarship student in 2025.
Soviseth who completed his IT studies in 2019, now supports all Kidshelp IT needs at the student dormitories and KKS.
Others met their spouses during their studies and now have children. Sabi remembered the students first trip to Angkor Wat in 2014. Some have been there several times since then or travel Southeast Asia
Thanks to the studies sponsored by Kidshelp, they now have the choice, they can shape their own path in life and that’s what they do. There is no doubt, Kidshelp achieves its objectives.
Sabine Schulz
Volontärin von 01-07.2014