
Help with your membership

Since the founding of Kidshelp Kambodscha we already carried out many projects and many sponsorships were mediated. We are constantly striving to help further, because this help anywhere in Cambodia is urgently needed. The financial administration expenses of the association are very small because the vast majority of active members of the association works on a volunteer basis. The balance of membership fees can always be used for long-term projects but also for necessary quick medical aid.

A membership can be active or inactive. At least once a year there is a general assembly for all members. Participation is optional, but experience has shown so far that these evenings are welcome to get the latest information from and about Cambodia and the development of our work. This evenings are also an ideal opportunity to exchange criticism, to make suggestions and ideas not only among the members, but directly to discuss them with the Board of Directors.
For some time now, members and interested parties are able to share their ideas and discussions over the online forum.

Member of Kidshelp Kambodscha can be both individuals and companies. The membership fee is 5.00 € per month for individuals and 10.00 € per month for companies.

Membership fees are tax deductible as donations.

Become a member

You can download the Membership Application as PDF-File (german language only).