Kidshelp Kambodscha e.V.

We think that establishing a good educational system and enabling more people to access it, will not only contribute to securing the livelihoods of many families, but will also provide Cambodia’s new generation with the means to grow on a personal level. Kidshelp-Kambodscha e.V. is registered as a charity in Germany and as international NGO in Cambodia.

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About Kidshelp

Kidshelp Kambodscha e.V. is a private, non-denominational and non-governmental charity established for the advancement of the situation of children, young adults and their families in Cambodia. We are convinced that quality education is a key factor to achieve this. Due to the country’s recent history being overshadowed by civil war and economic instability, the state of the education system in Cambodia is very poor. This poses a tremendous challenge to the country since there are many young Cambodians eager to enter the labour market who lack the level of education that is needed to access decent jobs.

We think that establishing a good educational system and enabling more people to access it, will not only contribute to securing the livelihoods of many families, but will also provide Cambodia’s new generation with the means to grow on a personal level.

Continue reading “About Kidshelp”

Kidshelp Cambodia – England

Due to local tax requirements and especially controls over foreign entities operating bank accounts in United Kingdom, a local “Unincorporated Association”, Kidshelp Cambodia -England was registered on 12th March, 2017.

Registered address in UK:

  • 2 Farewell Hall West Farm, Darlington Road, Durham, DH1 3SX, United Kingdom.

Kidshelp Cambodia – England is a charity registered in England and Wales number 1199367.

For detailed updates of the work of the NGO team in Cambodia, please see Quarterly Reports under FORMS & DOCUMENTS.

If after learning about the work of Kidshelp you wish to sponsor a school child, please complete “Offer for sponsorship of a child” and email to or post to the registered address above and we will work with the team in Cambodia to identify a suitable child of a family requiring financial support.

If you wish to sponsor a university student, please email and we will let you know details of students requiring sponsorship. We normally identify a group of students before the start of each academic year (September) but occasionally existing sponsors find they are not able to continue sponsorship and new sponsors must be found, so do enquire at any time.

If you wish to make an ad hoc donation towards the work of Kidshelp please email for details of our UK bank account or send a cheque made payable to Kidshelp Cambodia – England to our registered address above.

If you are a UK tax payer and complete a Charity Gift Aid Declaration, we will be able to file a tax claim in UK, meaning for every £1.00 donated we will, after tax claim receive £1.25.


Charity Gift Aid Declaration

Offer for sponsorship of a child [Microsoft Word]

Offer for sponsorship of a child [PDF]

Panel 1

Getting involved

There are several ways to support our work in Cambodia. On this page you will get a short overview of the different options to choose from and the costs involved. Please follow the respective links if you would like to know more about a specific project.

Continue reading “Getting involved”

Panel 2

Recent updates



The ground-breaking ceremony of the new English school in Roka Kaong, which will be named Kidshelp English School (KES), took place on 13 September 2024. Big steps have been taken and there is still work to do – find out more in our current newsletter.


New students

We are very delighted to present to you our new canditates for our university scholarships! More information can be found in our current newsletter.

Outlook: KIDShelp Scholarship Students 2025

Updated informationen to be found here.

Enjoy Cambodian pepper and help finance the construction of the new English School?

Yes! How? Find mor information here.

Kidshelp – Elsevier Diabetes Management Project

Kidshelp scholarship students, supported by a team from Elsevier, set up a project to learn about Type 2 Diabetes, prepared information brochures and carried out two diabetes screening and education clinics in January 2024.  193 patients attended the clinics.

The team will now work with our community in Loer Oet Village, the home of our Khemara Kidshelp School, to verify that Type 2 Diabetes, can be managed through lifestyle changes, diet, exercise, and daily medication.

Read more about the project

Continue reading “Recent updates”

Panel 3


Kidshelp Scholarship Alumni Community

During fund raising discussions for Kidshelp’s new school, several application forms wanted to know how sustainable our work in Cambodia is. Would our schools shut down if international donors stopped funding? Would our nearly 20 years of work be lost? We were able to share information on how existing scholarship students had learned to volunteer […]

Health & Safety Review – Kidshelp Dormitories

During their January 2023 visit to attend the annual Graduation Celebration, two of the visitors took time out to review the health & safety aspects of the two Kidshelp scholarship girls’ dormitories. Each dormitory hosts up to 15 students. As with many residential homes in Phnom Penh, the girls park their motorcycles on the ground […]

Kidshelp Career Afternoon for Grade 11 and 12

As part of Kidshelp support to Grade 11 and 12 students to decide on their options for further studies when they complete their grade 12 exams, 16 of our current scholarship students, visited Khemara Kidshelp School on Sunday 7th July, to share their experiences and chosen subjects. The presentations covered Accounting, Architecture, Bio-Engineering, Business Communication, […]

Panel 4


In our newsletter we regularly report on the latest developments of Kidshelp Kambodscha, news from Cambodia and current operations and projects. If you want to keep informed about the work of Kidshelp Kambodscha, please subscribe to our newsletter, free of charge and terminable at any time.

Sign up for our newsletter

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